giving from the heart comes easy. deciding how best to give can be a challenge.
Paragon Service Dogs offers various gift options ranging from giving today, to leaving a legacy, to sponsoring an event, to contributing resources or services. Explore our giving opportunities to learn more about how you may give. We are confident we have an option that is right for you. Need help deciding? We welcome the chance to speak to you about your giving interests.
one time gift - a gift today transforms tomorrows
Has your life or the life of someone you know been impacted by a disability? Paragon professionally trains hearing service and facility dogs that change the lives of those facing such challenges by breaking barriers and inspiring possibilities. With a tax-deductible donation to Paragon, you will be helping people and dogs live their best lives – together as a team.
monthly giving program - improve lives all year long
Joining our monthly donor community is one of the easiest and most impactful ways to support Paragon! Becoming a monthly donor of Paragon is easy, secure and convenient. Sign up once and your gift is automatically charged to your credit card each month. That steady revenue stream helps us save on fundraising costs and budget more effectively. Most importantly, you’ll be playing a vital role month after month in ensuring more dogs receive the care and customized training necessary to serve their human partners. You can change lives for the better in as little as 33 cents a day. To schedule a recurring gift select the "Make this a monthly payment?" box located at the bottom of the payment information section to automatically deduct your donation each month.

dog emergency fund
At Paragon, our dogs are the heart of our program. Therefore, the health and wellness of the hearing dogs in training is a priority, as each dog deserves the opportunity to thrive. Unfortunately, just like us, it is not uncommon for a dog to experience unexpected medical issues, sometimes resulting in expensive vet bills. Hence, the Dog Emergency Fund presents the opportunity for those who wish to directly support the dogs and their well-being. Additionally, this fund serves as a reserve to ensure that medical emergencies receive the interventions necessary to restore and/or maintain the dogs' health.
To discuss a gift to the Dog Emergency Fund, connect with Carol, Executive Director.
planned giving
No matter your stage of life or your family and financial picture, Paragon offers ways to plan a gift that will make you proud to leave a legacy that transforms the lives of the people and dogs served by Paragon Service Dogs. Learn how to make a planned gift by clicking on the button below or connect with Carol, Executive Director, for more information.
Donating stocks or securities is a great way to support Paragon Service Dogs while maximizing your tax position. Gifts of stock and securities include publicly traded stocks like Microsoft or Walmart and gifts of mutual funds, Treasury bills and notes, corporate and municipal bonds, and stock in non-publicly held companies. Making a gift of securities is simple and offers several valuable financial benefits:
- No capital gain tax on appreciation
- No appraisal is needed as value is based on what the stock or security is sold for on the exchange on the day of the donation
- Full tax deductible on the fair market value
- Stocks, Bonds, and most Mutual Funds are accepted
Contact Carol, Executive Director, to discuss your stock giving options.
community fundraisers
Are you running in a race, hosting a bake/yard sale, or looking for a way to celebrate life events without more gifts? Why not put a cause behind your efforts and raise funds for Paragon. It is a creative and fun way for you, your family & friends, or your company to support Paragon. Need some inspiration? Pick an idea from the list below or create your own.
- Organize a "Casual 4 Canines" jeans day at your workplace
- Ask guests to bring items from our Fetch List instead of presents
- Raise money by selling items at a neighborhood garage sale
- Hold a penny drive at your school
- Host a car wash
- Plan a bake sale
- Collect donations at a company-wide potluck
- Host a supply drive
corporate partners / community sponsors
When you partner with Paragon as a sponsor, you promote positive change for dogs and individuals with disabilities while linking your company, service club, self, family, or group to a committed and trusted nonprofit that's changing lives and communities across the country.
Discover how your partnership or sponsorship can be a force for greater good in the lives of our dogs and clients by clicking on the button below or connect with Carol, Executive Director, for more information.
donate a vehicle
Help drive Paragon's mission forward by donating your vehicle. Do you want to get rid of an old vehicle but don't want to deal with selling it, fixing it, or junking it? Consider donating it to us!
Find out how to donate a vehicle in support of Paragon by clicking on the button below for more information.
employee workplace giving/ employee matching gift program
Amplify your giving through your workplace. Paragon proudly engages with workplace giving campaigns and matching programs that connect employee giving with enhancing the quality of life of our dogs and clients.
Find out more about how workplace giving and matching programs benefit you and Paragon by clicking on the button below or connect with Carol, Executive Director, for more information.