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rights and roles of service animals

Service Dog Artie in Paragon Vest


ADA Resources

ada resources for our community

At Paragon Service Dogs, we strongly believe in educating our community about the rights and roles of service animals. It is critical that our clients and others to understand them to create more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environments. Individuals with disabilities may use service animals and emotional support animals for various reasons. However, many states also have laws that define a service animal differently. Therefore, you should check your state's law and follow the law that protects service animals the most. 

Check out the (ADA) National Network Service Animal Resource Hub and other helpful resources below.

Video provided by the Rocky Mountain ADA Center

assistance dogs industry leaders

ADI-Assistance Dogs International
IAADP-International Association of Assistance Dog Partners

assistance dog laws

ADA-Americans with Disabilities Act
U.S. Department of Justice - A Guide to Disability Rights Laws
ADA Fact Sheet - ADA Service Animals
ADA Title II - Highlights of the Final Rule to Amend the Department of Justice's Regulation
Frequently Asked Questions about Service Animals and the ADA
ADA National Network
US Department of Transportation - Air Carriers Act
Table of State Assistance Animal Laws - Michigan State University
US Department of Housing and Urban Development


Assistance Dogs in the Workplace
Workplace Accommodation (Title I)

public access

Public Accommodation Under ADA
Public Access (Title II and Title III)
Common Questions about Assistance Dogs in Public
Transportation Resource Guide for Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities


Etiquette for Assistance Dogs in Public