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Colorado Gives Day is Here!

Colorado Gives Day 2023

Hello Friends and Supporters,

As the Executive Director of International Hearing Dog, I am reaching out to you on this special day – Colorado Gives Day. It is a moment to reflect on the impact we've made together and an opportunity for us to express our deepest gratitude for the unwavering support we have received. 

It is a world-changing experience to witness the transformation hearing service dog partnerships bring. 

Can you imagine a world where every sound is a mystery? Where approaching footsteps, the doorbell, or a phone call go unheard? IHDI's remarkable dogs, paired with incredible individuals, break through the barriers of silence, offering security, safety, and a genuine connection to the world around them. Together, we are creating a world where individuals, regardless of their hearing abilities, can experience the beauty of connection and the joy of living life to the fullest.

With your help, we give ears to individuals who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing, transforming their lives in ways my words cannot fully capture.

The impact on the lives we have touched together is immeasurable, and we want to acknowledge the profound difference your support has made. Without you, our program wouldn't be possible. Your contributions open the door to a world of possibilities -- making the impossible possible. Loneliness dissipates, confidence soars, and a newfound sense of security blankets those who, without your support, might have remained isolated in a silent world. Your generosity brings independence, peace of mind, and companionship to those who navigate a world without sound. 

On this Colorado Gives Day, I humbly ask you to continue standing by our side. 

Join our team, support our cause, make a gift, and ensure that these remarkable dogs and the incredible individuals they serve continue living fully in their worlds.

With heartfelt gratitude,


Carol Heiden, M.Ed.
Executive Director
International Hearing Dog, Inc.