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Oliva & Birdie

International Hearing Dog Puppy Raiser, Olivia included trainee Birdie in her graduation photos as a way to capture their time growing, achieving, and now graduating...together! Olivia spent this past year as a dedicated Puppy Raiser to Birdie, who now gets to take her next step as a hearing service dog partner thanks to Olivia's gracious time, patience, and love as a volunteer Raiser!

"Reaching this huge milestone has been quite the journey for Birdie and me! Our journey started together and is now coming to an end, which has been bittersweet. When I moved to Denver for school, I did not know anyone. Birdie instantly became my best friend. When first meeting Birdie, it was unknown what her journey may look like. She was an intimidating dog to work with at first, but with amazing staff and determination, she has made such inspiring growth. Birdie has taught me patience, being present, joy, routine, persistence, and unconditional love through this journey. I am unbelievably proud of what Birdie has accomplished during her time with me. I am excited for us to experience this new chapter in our lives. I will miss Birdie, but knowing that she will be helping someone daily makes me happy for her. I am so thankful to have had such an unforgettable experience being a puppy raiser!" - Olivia