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Trainer Talk: Kuranda Dog Beds

Atlas on Kuranda Bed

Let's talk Kuranda Dog Beds with Hearing Dog trainer, Leah!

Kuranda beds are often used in our training and aside from being a comfy place to sleep, their design also serves another purpose! Since the beds are slightly raised off the ground, they aid in working on the "place" cue for our trainees and help the dogs hold their down positions. The raised surface provides a very clear target and requires an intentional step on or off. This specific feature encourages the dogs to hold their position despite the activity going on around them, which is great practice for a future Service Dog! Also, Kuranda beds are made from easy to clean materials and don't hold onto distracting scents the way a cloth bed does - which is both great for our trainees and trainers!

Kuranda bed and "place" modeled by handsome Hearing Dog in training, Atlas!