Hearing Dog Team Darwin & Crispy

“Thank you International Hearing Dog Inc for this wonderful dog Crispy, wearing his work vest, goes everywhere with Darwin and lets people know, “this person is hearing impaired and cannot understand what all you say.” People have become more considerate and patient. A hearing loss is an invisible handicap but Crispy makes the invisible visible”
Crispy was actually born here at IHDI and Jane and Darwin Bacon fostered him since he was just a puppy! They raised him until he began his training here at our facility and Darwin had been approved and next on the list for a hearing dog so Crispy was a perfect fit for their family! They all live here in Colorado and show their support by coming to every event.
They recently took Crispy to visit Pendleton Mill Store in Oregon and after a delay talking to the plant manager they said he could go on the tour but would have to stay inside the yellow lines. "Everyone was so impressed how perfect he was and that most dogs are not that well behaved. They didn't know Crispy! He also got to see the Pacific Ocean this trip! This makes 10 states he has visited and 4th time to fly this year!"